~Britney Spears Rajongói Oldala!~

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Britney Spears
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Ide írhatsz Britney-nek!!!



Britney autogram címe

Britney Autogram

Britney Spears
P.O. Box 7022
Red Bank,
NJ 07701722

Utolsó friss

                            Britney Jean Spears

Születési idő,hely:1981. december 2. Kentwood

Eredeti hajszíne: Világos barna(egyesek szerint sötétszőke)

Szeme színe: Barna, de gyakran használ zöld kontaklencsét

Magassága: 164 cm

Hobbyjai: Napozás, autókázás, Donald-kacsa

Kedvenc sportjai:Golf, úszás, jóga

Kedvenc ételei: Pizza, süti, fagyi, hot-dog

Kedvenc itala:Coca-Cola, Red Bull

Kedvenc színei:Kék és a piros

Családja: Jamie és Lynne Spears(szülők), Bryan és Jamie Lynn Spears (tesók), Kevin Federline(férj), Sean Preston(fiú)

Kedvenc sztárjai:Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Madonna(példakép & barátnő), Mariah Carey, Leo DiCaprio



                             Britney magáról


,,Imádom a farmert, élek-halok a hétköznapi sportos cuccokért. Klippjeimben és a díjátadókon viszont farmertilalom van, ilyenkor másik szenvedélyemnek hódolhatok: odavagyok a különleges estélyi ruhákért. Bevallom ezek a gyengéim. A Versace és a Dolce & Gabbana az etalon. Cipőkben Jimmy Choo, táskákban pedig Lana     Mark s darabjait kedvelem. A fehérneműim egytől-egyig a Cosabellától vannak. A púderem MAC, mostanában kattantam rá az ízesített szájbalzsamokra, ezek közül a Bonne-Bell a favoritom. Ja, és a legfontosabb, sosem kezdek és zárok napot pattanástalanító krém  nélkül!"



,,Nekem van a legjobb fej családom a világon! Hihetetlen biztonságot nyújtanak! Anyukám, Lynne és apám, Jamie évekkel ezelőtt elváltak, ennek ellenére mindkettejük számára mi vagyunk a legfontosabbak. Húgom Jamie Lynn és bátyjám Brian mellett a legjobb barátnőmet, személyi asszisztensemet, Felicia Cullottát is a testvéremnek érzem. Aztán Columbust sem felejthetem el, tánckarom főnökét, akivel már jó párszor hírbe hoztak, persze alaptalanul. Szeretem őt, de csak mint barátot! Életem második legnagyobb szerelme Justin volt, vele szívem egy darabját is elvesztettem. Legnagyobb példaképem Madonna, büszke vagyok, hogy a barátnőmnek nevezhetem őt!"



,,Az állatokat mindenekfelett szeretem! Van egy macskánk Lou, és hat kutyánk, a kedvencem Kane a rotweiler. Három igazán nagy hobbym van: a napozás, Donald kacsa és persze a róla szóló filmek, na és az autókázás. Garázsomban két Mercedes kabrió, egy Porsche 911-es és egy Jaguár parkol. Imádom a kihívó, meghökkentő cuccokat, amelyekre persze rendre kapom is a kritikákat az újságokban. Korábban dohányoztam, de leszoktam, mert Sean és az egyészségem mindennél fontosabb!"



,,Nagyon bírom, ha Bobby, a fitneszedzőm megkínoz a gyakorlataival, és jól megyizzaszt. Mindennap edzek, sőt Bobby még a turnékon is mellettem van, tehát egy napot sem pihenhetek. A kedvenc sportágam az úszás, lelki egyensúlyom érdekében rendszeresen jógázom. És ki ne hagyjam a legfrissebb hóbortomat, a golfot..."



,,Az orvosom szerint az lenne a legjobb ha zöldségen, gyümölcsön, rizsen és teljes kiörlésű kenyéren élnék, mert ezekkel csökkenthetném a stresszt. Persze azon vagyok, hogy egészségesen éljek, de néha én is elcsábulok. Eláruljam a kedvenceimet? Én csak apró bűnöknek nevezem őket: süti. fagyi, spagetti, hot-dog mustárral és ketchuppal, hozzá pedig Coca-Cola vagy Red Bull."

Shakira menü
Mi a véleményed a PCD-s csajokról?


 I am a Slave 4 U

I know I may be young, but I’ve got feelings too.
And I need to do what I feel like doing.
So let me go and just listen.

All you people look at me like I’m a little girl.
Well did you ever think it be okay for me to step into this world.

Always saying little girl don’t step into the club.
Well I’m just tryin’ to find out why cause dancing’s what I love.

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)(Do you like it)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)(This feels good)

I know I may come off quiet, I may come off shy.
But I feel like talking, feel like dancing when I see this guy.

What’s practical is logical. What the hell, who cares?
All I know is I’m so happy when you’re dancing there.

I’m a slave for you. I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I’m a slave for you. I won’t deny it; I’m not trying to hide it.

Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(I just wanna dance next to you)
To another time and place.
Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(Are you ready)
Leaving behind my name, my age.
(Lets go)

(Like that)
(You like it)
(Now watch me)

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)

I really wanna dance, tonight with you.
(I just can’t help myself)
I really wanna do what you want me to.
(I just feel I let myself go)

I really wanna dance, tonight with you.
(Wanna see you move)
I really wanna do what you want me to.
(Uh Uh Uh)

Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(I just wanna dance next to you)
To another time and place.
Baby, don’t you wanna, dance upon me,
(Are you ready)
Leaving behind my name, my age.

I’m a slave for you. (Take that) I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I’m a slave (It just feels right) for you. (It just feels good)
I won’t deny it; I’m not trying to hide it. (Baby)

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOOOA)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH)

I’m a slave for you. (Here we go now)
I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I’m a slave for you. (Here we go) I won’t deny it, (Yeah)
I’m not trying to hide it.

(Like that)


I need time (time)
Love (love)
Joy (joy)
I need space
I need me


Say hello to the girl that I am!
You're gonna have to see through my perspective
I need to make misstakes just to learn who I am
And I don't wanna be so damn protected
There must be another way
Cause I believe in taking chances
But who am I to say
What a girl is to do
God, I need some answers

What am I to do with my life
(You will find out don't worry)
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected

I tell 'em what I like
What I won't
What I don't
But every time I do I stand corrected
Things that I've known
I can't believe what I hear about the world, I realize
I'm Overprotected

There must be another way
Cause I believe in taking chances
But who am I to say
What a girl is to do
God I need some answers

What am I to do with my life
(You will find out don't worry)
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected

I need time (love)
I need space
(This is it, this is it)

I don't need nobody
Tellin me just what I wanna
What I what what I'm gonna
Do about my destiny
I Say No, No
Nobody tell me just what what what I wanna do, do
I'm so fed up with people telling me to be
Someone else but me


What am I to do with my life
(You will find out don't worry)
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected

I don't need nobody
Tellin me just what I wanna
What I what what I'm gonna
Do about my destiny
I Say No, No
Ain't nobody tell me just what I wanna do, do
I'm so fed up with people telling me to be
Someone else but me

What am I to do with my life
(You will find out don't worry)
How Am I supposed to know what's right?
(You just got to do it your way)
I can't help the way I feel
But my life has been so overprotected.



To think I'm so naive
How dare you play with me
I gave you heart and soul, yeah
Tell me baby, please
Why you screwing with my head?
I don't think you understand
I wont take your HUH!
No more, Don't knock on my door

Not this time, because I recognize
I've heard it all before and I-E-I-E-I

Think of all the time that I've wasted
Think of all the times that I took you back
Ain't no way I'll be lonely
I don't wanna let you back in
Let's just face it (face it)
Better off alone and I won't turn back
Thought that I would be lonely
I don't wanna let you back in

Don't tell me how to feel
Or say that you're for real
My mind's made up
I'm cool without you
You got no more appeal
Now this girl don't need no man
Says what she can do or she can't
Now I live for me
Boy does that make u weep?

Not this time because I realize
I've heard it all before and I-E-I-E-I

I think of all the time that I've wasted
I think of all the times that I took you back
Ain't no way I'll be lonely
I don't wanna let you back in
Let's just face it (face it)
Better off alone and I won't turn back
Thought that I would be lonely
I don't wanna let you back in

Think of times you made me cry
You had me so confused
I'm tired of trying leave behind this

What's A Girl To Do!


Think of all the times you made me sick
I used to think I couldn't handle it
What you think I'm just another chick?
Lost your grip, Boy you must have tripped
What were you thinkin when you lost my trust
You had it all now your left with nothing
Oh baby, now I know you want my touch
And now your Lonely, and I'm still happy
(talk ends)

Think of all the time that I've wasted
Think of all the times that I took you back
Ain't no way I'll be lonely
I don't wanna let you back in
Let's just face it (face it)
Better off alone and I won't turn back
Thought that I would be lonely
I don't wanna let you back in

Think of all the time that I've wasted
Think of all the times that I took you back
Ain't no way I'll be lonely
I don't wanna let you back in
Let's just face it (face it)
Better off alone and I won't turn back
Thought that I would be lonely
I don't wanna let you back in

 I'm not a girl, Not yet a woman

I used to think
I had the answers to everything
But now I know
Life doesn't always
Go my way, yeah...

Feels like I'm caught in the middle
That's when I realize...

I'm not a girl
Not yet a woman
All I need is time
A moment that is mine
While I'm in between

(Verse 2)
I'm not a girl
There is no need to protect me
Its time that I
Learn to face up to this on my own
I've seen so much more than u know now
So tell me to shut my eyes

I'm not a girl
Not yet a woman
All I need is time
A moment that is mine
While I'm in between

I'm not a girl
But if u look at me closely
You will see it my eyes
This girl will always find
Her way

I'm not a girl
(I'm not a girl don't tell me what to believe)
Not Yet a woman
(I'm just tryin to find the woman in me, yeah)
All I need is time (All I need)
A moment that is mine (That is mine)
While I'm in between

I'm not a girl
Not yet a woman
All I need is time (is All I need)
A moment that is mine
While I'm in between

I'm not a girl
Not yet a woman



For whatever reason,
I feel like I've been wanting you all my life
You don't understand
I'm so glad we're at the same place
At the same time, it's over now

I spotted you dancin'
You made all the girls stare
Those lips and your brown eyes (oooh)
And the sexy hair
I should shake my thang
Make the world want you (giggle)
Tell your boys you'll be back
I wanna see what you can do (uh)

What would it take for you to just leave with me?
Not tryin to sound conceited but
you and me were meant to be (yeah)
You're a sexy guy, I'm a nice Girl
Let's turn this dance floor into our own little nasty world!

Sometimes a girl just needs one (you know I need you)
To love her and to hold (I just want you to touch me)
And when a girl is with one (mmm, mmm)
Then she's in control!

Took the boy off the dance floor
Screaming in his ear
Musta' said somethin bout me (what you say)
Cuz he's lookin over here
You lookin at me (giggle)
With a sexy attitude
But the way your boys movin it (uh)
It puts me in the mood

What would it take for you to just leave with me?
Not tryin to sound conceited
but you and me were meant to be
You're a sexy guy, I'm a nice Girl
Let's turn this dance floor into our own little nasty world

Sometimes a girl just needs one (I get nasty)
To love her and to hold (I get nasty)
And when a girl is with one (I get nasty)
Then she's in control! (You like that? Here we go..)

Tonite Let's Fly
Boy have no Fear (have no fear)
There's no time to loose
And next week,
You might not see me here (uh-huh)
So boy just make your move (let me see what you can do)

Sometimes a girl just needs one (I like that)
Boys! (I like that)
To love her and to hold
And when a girl is with one (it's gonna turn me on)
Then she's in control!

Come with me
Let's fly Into the Night
Oh boy, tonite is ours (it's just you and me baby)
When huggin me, make sure you hold me tonite
Let's head for the stars

Moan Moan Moan, OUW !

Sometimes a girl just needs one
To love her and to hold
And when a girl is with one
Then she's in control!

Can't live with em'
Cant live without em'!


Top down, on the strip
Lookin in the mirror and
I'm checkin out my lipstick
Girlfriends up in the back Were out partin all night
Feelin so crazy cool
Don't know what they're ready for
Valet baby, here the keys
We're about to step inside

Skip on the drinks
Head to the floor
Makin my way past the show
My body's taken over
And I want some more
Woah yeah ay yeah

I'll be anticipating
This is our song, they're playing
I wanna rock with you (rock with you)
You're feelin this way
Let's do this tonight

Step up baby don't be shy
I know you're feelin me cuz your given me the eye
And I
Don't wanna play around
Baby watch me one more round
Check this lets make a scene
Don't need to wait another
Why you wanna make me long for ya
Move it baby over here
So we can set it off

We can get down
To the DJ's sound
Feelin so good baby
All around
Feelin kinda naughty come and get me now

Woah ohh Ouw yeah!

I'll be anticipating
This is our song, they're playing
I wanna rock with you
You're feelin this way
Let's do this tonite

Ill be anticipating
This is our song, they're playing
I wanna rock with you
You're feeling this way
Let's do this tonite

Gotta really let me know if you want me
You gotta turn me on and make me feel sexy
Gotta show me you got everything that I need
Gotta really let me know if you want me
You gotta turn me on and make me feel sexy
Gotta show me you got everything that I need

I'll be anticipating
This is our song, they're playing
I wanna rock with you
You're feelin this way
Let's do this tonite
Ill be anticipating
This is our song, they're playing
I wanna rock with you
You're feelin this way
Let's do this tonite

Gotta really let me know if you want me
You gotta turn me on and make me feel sexy
Gotta show me you got everything that I need
Gotta really let me know if you want me
You gotta turn me on and make me feel sexy
Gotta show me you got everything that I need.


I love Rock N' Roll

Hey!? Is this thing on?

I saw him dancing there by the record machine
I knew he must have been about seventeen
The beat was going strong
Playing my favourite song

And I could tell it wouldn't be long
until he was with me


And I could tell it wouldn't be long
until he was with me

YEAH With me Singin'

I love Rock 'N Roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, Baby
I love Rock N' Roll
So come and take your time and dance with me

Ouw !

He smiled, so I got up and asked for his name"
That don't matter," he said, "'cause it's all the same."
I said, "Can I take you home where we can be alone?"
And next we were moving on
and he was with me, yeah, me
And we were moving on
singin the same old song

Yeah with me


I love Rock N' Roll
So put another dime in the jukebox, Baby
I love Rock N' Roll
So come and take your time and dance with me

I love Rock N' Roll

'cause it suits my soul
I love Rock N' Roll Yeah....

I said, "Can I take you home where we can be alone?"
And next thing we were moving on
and he was with me, yeah, me,
And we were moving on
and singin that same old song

Yeah with me


I love Rock N' Roll
So put another dime in the jukebox Baby
I love Rock N' Roll
So come and take your time and dance with me
I love Rock N' Rol l(I love Rock N' Rolll)
So put another dime in the jukebox Baby
I love Rock N' Roll

So come and take your time and dance with me
(dance with me)

I love Rock N' Roll (I Rock N' Roll)
So put another dime in the jukebox Baby(so dance with me)
I love Rock N' Roll
So come and take your time and dance with me(dance with me)

I love Rock N' Roll(oh....)
So put another dime in the jukebox Baby(oh....)

I love Rock N' Roll So come and take your time and dance with me(dance with me)

I love Rock N' Roll
So put another dime in the jukebox Baby
I love Rock N' Roll

So come and take your time and dance with me!



I used to be a girlfriend and I know I did it well
Oh yes you know its true
You'd call me Cinderella
All you had to do was yell
And I'd be there for you

Here I am
So try to forgive me
I don't believe in fairy tales
Here we are with nothing but honesty
I've had enough
I'm not gonna stay

I'm sorry for running away like this
And I'm sorry, I've already made my wish
Ahaah, But Cinderella is got to go

From time to time
I'd try to tell just what was on my mind.
You'd tell me not today.
Come back, do that.
Well, Cinderella ah...
was all you had to say

Here I am
So try to forgive me
I don't believe in fairy tales
Here we are with nothing but honesty
I've had enough
I'm not gonna stay

I'm sorry for running away like this
And I'm sorry I've already made my wish
Ahaah, But Cinderella is got to go

I'm sorry just trying to live my life
Don't worry you are going to be alright
Ah, But Cinderella is got to go..

You use to say I want you
You cast me in your spell
I did everything you wanted me to do
But now I shout
First your reasons why you lie to me
I wont be blind you see
My love it can't be sacrificed
I won't pretend to be

I'm so sorry
I've already made up my mind

I won't return to you

I'm sorry to say
I'm running away now
Don't worry you will be alright...

I'm running away
I'm made up my mind now
you're gonna have to let me go

(she is got to goooooooooooo)

I'm sorry for running away like this
And I'm sorry I've already made my wish
Ah, But Cinderella is got to go
I'm sorry just trying to live my life
Don't worry you are going to be alright
Ah, But Cinderella is got to go

Let Me Be

You try to read me
You try to figure out
You try to breathe me
But you can't blow me out
You try to feel me
But I'm so out of touch
I won't be falling
You won't have to pick me up
Sorry if I sound confused
I don't feel the way like you do
But I won't turn around
But I won't turn around

You think I might act out but I won't
Think that I might have doubts but I don't
No insecurities
Won't you just let me, let me be
Think that you know me now, but you don't
Think that I can't stand on my own
Ain't my philosophy
Won't you just let me, let me be

Trust in my instincts
Trust that I know what's right
These are the reasons
That keep you up at night (at night)
Tell me "Go Slow" - This is my flow
'Cos you don't know, know what I know
Let me tell you how it feels
Baby it's time that you see me for real
Sorry if I sound confused
I don't feel the way like you do
But I won't turn around
But I won't turn around

You think I might act out but I won't
Think that I might have doubts but I don't
No insecurities
Won't you just let me, let me be
Think that you know me now, but you don't
Think that I can't stand on my own
Ain't my philosophy
Won't you just let me, let me be

Trust that I know , This is my show
Letting you know , Gotta go the way I go

Trust that I know , This is my show
Letting you know , Gotta go the way I go

You think I might act out but I won't
Think that I might have doubts but I don't
No insecurities
Won't you just let me, let me be (be)
Think that you know me now, but you don't
Think that I can't stand on my own
Ain't my philosophy (it ain't my philosophy, yeah)
Won't you just let me, let me be
You think I might act out but I won't
Think that I might have doubts but I don't
No insecurities (no insecurities)
Won't you just let me, let me be

Think that you know me now, but you don't
Think that I can't stand on my own
Ain't my philosophy
Won't you just let me, let me be

You think I might act out but I won't
Think that I might have doubts but I don't
No insecurities
Won't you just let me, let me be
Think that you know me now, but you don't
Think that I can't stand on my own (I can't stand on my own)
Ain't my philosophy
Won't you just let me, let me be

 Bombastic Love

And I, I'm here to testify
That you're the only one I belong to
I don't know where to start
It turn into an art
Not to show the world that it was you
You made me realize
Not to compromise
The fact that you and I should meet
I know where gonna get (know where gonna get) (get)

< >
Bombastic love
So fantastic
Where I'm completely yours and you are mine
And it's gonna be exactly like in a movie
When we fall in love for the first time
< >

Now, I know why I feel so insecure
I never understood what it's good for

I gotta make sure that *quickness*
won't stop me again
I can't sit and wait anymore

You made me realize
Not to compromise
The fact that you and I should meet
I know where gonna get (know where gonna get) (get)

< >
Bombastic love
So fantastic
Where I'm completely yours and you are mine
And it's gonna be exactly like in a movie
When we fall in love for the first time
< >

It's gonna be bombastic love
Everything is gonna be alright
When I'm yours and you are mine
It's gonna be fantastic love
When I wake up everything is still the same and you don't even know my name

(opera singing)

...I know it's gonna be

< >
Bombastic love
So fantastic
Where I'm completely yours and you are mine
And it's gonne be exactly like in a movie
When we fall in love for the first time
< >

I know where gonna get (know where gonna get) (get)

< >
Bombastic love
So fantastic
Where I'm completely yours and you are mine
And it's gonna be exactly like in a movie
When we fall in love for the first time

  That's where you take me

Oh Baby, Oh Baby
Oh Baby, Oh Baby

In love, In no belief
Never found inside of Me
Built these walls up so high
Needed my room to breathe

Oh Baby, Oh baby
You turn them down
Can't believe you've changed my mind
Oh Baby, Oh Baby
I saw your smile
Stay with me a while

All things fall in to place
My heart, it feels so safe
You are my melody
That's where you take me

With you I get so high
Lost in the crystal sky
You are this melody
That's where you take me

I never fell before
How did u find my door
The key up to my soul
To you forever more

Oh baby, Oh baby
You make me rise
And never did I once think twice
Oh Baby, Oh baby
You make me stile
Stay with me a while


All things fall in to place
My heart, it feels so safe
You are my melody
That's where you take me

With you I get so high
Lost in the crystal sky (crystal skies)
You are this melody
That's where you take me

Afraid to let it all inside
Now I wanna hear you'll
stay with me a while
stay with me a while


That's Where you take me!

All things fall in to place
My heart, it feels so safe
You are my melody
That's where you take me
With you I get so high
Lost in the crystal sky
You are this melody
That's where you take me


 What It's Like To Be Me

(Do you know what it's like, c'mon, c'mon)

Baby Tell me
To My Heart
Like the kinda girl
That you wanna take me home
Wanna meet me alone
Do you even know what I like
Just what I'm living for,
What I adore

Baby, take the time to realize I'm
not the kind to sacrifice
The way I am
So if you wanna be my man (baby)

Walk a mile in my shoes
Do me right or I'm through
Can't you see that
If you wanna stay around (you're telling me)
You got to picka me up
Take your time or you loose
This is my game, my rules
Something I can see, obviously,
Baby You don't know
What It's like to be me

Don't you get it twisted boy
I want you to
But you got my heart to win
Before I let you in
And it deceives you baby
I'm not the other in leading
I need tomorrow to love

Baby, take the time to realize I'm
not the kind to sacrifice
The way I am
So if you wanna be my man (baby)

Walk a mile in my shoes
Do me right or I'm through
Can't you see that
If you wanna stay around
You got to picka me up
Take your time or you loose
This is my game, my rules
And I can see, obviously,
Baby You don't know
What It's like to be me

Baby, Get to know me
Then you can show me
that you love for me is true
Ill give you everything
That a girl can give
Don't you wanna be my man?

Walk a mile in my shoes
Do me right or I'm through
Can't you see that
If you wanna stay around (you're telling me)
You got to picka me up
Take your time or you loose
This is my game, my rules
And I can see, obviously,
Baby You don't know
What It's like


Walk a mile in my shoes
Do me right or I'm through
Can't you see that
If you wanna stay around
You got to picka me up
Take your time or you loose
This is my game, my rules
And I can see, obviously,
Baby You don't know
What It's like to be me


Before The Goodbye

Lay me babe in your arms and you hold me tight (tight)
Tryin' not to watch the clock
Tick-tickin' as the time goes by
I don't know, but you'd best be on your way
But I'm wishing I could make you stay
Stay with me for awhile

Though... You're near
Still....I wanna make it clear
Love.... I will always be around

You're leaving, I'm waiting
Forgive me
I'm always missing you
Before the goodbye
I feel it, already
Forgive me
I'm always missing you
Before the goodbye

Come home for me and let you know
Still don't let my feelings show
How much I was missing you
All the little things that make me weak
Your eyes and the way you speak
Without you baby, I'm not near (I'm not near)

Though... You're near
Still....I wanna make it clear
Love.... I will always be around


You're leaving, I'm waiting
Forgive me
I'm always missing you
Before the goodbye
I feel it, already
Forgive me
I'm always missing you
Before the goodbye

You're leaving, I'm waiting
Forgive me
I'm always missing you
Before the goodbye
I feel it, already
Forgive me
I'm always missing you
Before the goodbye

You're leaving, I'm waiting
Forgive me
I'm always missing you
Before the goodbye
I feel it, already
Forgive me
I'm always missing you
Before the goodbye

You're leaving, I'm waiting
forgive me
I'm always missing you
Before the goodbye

 When I Found You

I believe we all have one true love
Somewhere in this world, I do
When it seemed all my dreams were falling through
Thats when I found you

I believe for every heart that whispers in the dark
Theres a ray of light somewhere shining through
It was sink or swim when the tide came in
I found myself

When I found you
I found the closest thing to heaven
Thats in you
I found the deepest love I knew
Oooo oh, I believe, yes its true
I found myself when I found you, Ooh yeah

I believe for every door thats closin
For every heartbreak theres hope for something new
From the ashes right, I glimpse a paradise
It still flickered in your eyes

When I found you
I found the closest thing to heaven
Thats in you
I found the deepest love I knew
Oooo oh, I believe, yes its true
I found myself when I found you

A life unfolds
No one knows
I found love once
Just a tingling of the skin
I felt so alone, all alone
More than you could ever know
You share deeper love
Sweet love

When I found you
I found the closest thing to heaven
I found the deepest love I know
I found the closest thing to heaven
I found myself

When I found you
I found the closest thing to heaven
Thats in you
I found the deepest love I knew
Oooo yeah, Oh I believe, yes its true
I found myself when I found you, you



Oo, I see you over there
Don't be shy
Come here, um!

You got that thing that I can't deny
So move it over here, oh yeah!
You're giving signs that I recognize
Say what you want, oh yeah

Baby, there's something about you
Show me, that nothing can hold you down
Cause I, I must confess
I'm feeling you right now

So, baby, take your chance
And show your confidence
Oh, baby, tell me who you are
You make my body scream
You make me believe
that you're what I'm waiting for
(Don't you be intimidated)

Just be a man
Show me where you stand
Positively, oh yeah
I don't come off shy if you want me back
And if my PGO's O*, no, don't give up to that

Baby, there's something about you
Show me, that nothing can hold you down
Cause I, I must confess
I'm feeling you right now

So, baby, take your chance
And show your confidence
Oh, baby, tell me who you are
You make my body scream
You make me believe
that you're what I'm waiting for
(Don't you be intimidated)


It doesn't matter, girl
As long as you're picking me
So much we can be, oo
Yes, it's true
But first you gotta make the move
For me to see what I want with you

So, baby, take your chance
And show your confidence
Oh, baby, tell me who you are
You make my body scream
You make me believe
that you're what I'm waiting for
(Don't you be intimidated)

So, baby, take your chance
And show your confidence
Oh, baby, tell me who you are
You make my body scream
You make me believe
that you're what I'm waiting for
(Don't you be intimidated)


Ooh hey, yeah

Hust, just stop

There's nothing you can do or say, baby

I've had enough

I'm not your property as from today, baby

You might think that I won't make it on my own

But now I'm now...


Stronger than yesterday

Now it's nothing but my way

My loneliness ain't killing me on more

I'm stronger

Than I ever Thought that I could be, baby

I used to go with the flow

Didn't really care 'bout me

You might think that I can't take it, but you're wrong

'Cause now I'm


Come on, now

Oh, yeah

Here I go, on my own

I don't need nobody, better off alone

Here I go, on my own

I don't need nobody, not anybody

Here I go, allright, here I go



Do Somethin'

Do you feel this

I wanna feel this

Are you ready?

I don't think so

Somebody give me my truck

So I can

ride on the clouds

So I can turn up

the bass


Somebody pass my guitar

So I can look like

 a star

And spent my cash like

What ya gonna do when the

crowd goes, waaoo

Why ya standing on the wall

Music starting everywhere

So why don't you just move along?


I see you looking at me

Like I'm some kind of freak

Get up out of your seat

Why don't ya do somethin'

I see you looking at me

Like I got what

you need

Get up out of your seat

Why don't ya do somethin'

Now your owning my grill

Cause I say what I feel

Only rock to what's real

And they will


But I can't do that with you

Allright here with my crew

You can roll if you can

Don't want a


What ya gonna do when the

croud goes waaoo

Why ya standing on the wall

Music starting everywhere

So why don't you just move along?


I see you looking over here

can't you tell

I'm having fun

If you know like I know

You what's up

Staring at us

Get your own space

And do something


Do Somethin'


Why don't ya do somethin'


Baby, can't you see 
I'm calling
A guy like you
Should wear a warning
It's dangerous
I'm falling

There's no escape
I can'thide
I need a hit
Baby, give me it
You're dangerous
I'm lovin' it

Too high
Can't come down
Losing my head
Spinning it round and it round
Do you feel me now

With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic
I'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic
And I love what you do
Don't you know that you're toxic

It's getting late
To give you up
I took a sip
From my devil cup
It's taking over me

Too high
Can't come down
It's in the air
And it's all around
Can you feel me now

With a taste of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic
I'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic
And I love what you do
Don't you know that you're toxic

Don't you know that you're toxic

With a tast of your lips
I'm on a ride
You're toxic
I'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic

Intoxicate me now
With your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now
I think I'm ready now
Intoxicate me now
With your lovin' now
I'm ready now

Britney-s óra és naptár

Boldog névnapot!!!

:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$
Indulás: 2006-03-19
Britney melyik száma tetszik?

My Prerogative
I'm a Slave 4 U
Do Somethin'
Oops! I did it again
I love rock 'n' roll
Szavazás állása
Lezárt szavazások
Extrák Britney-ről
Britney-s Animáció
Jobb klikk gátló

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